
Wednesday 24 October 2012


I would never go to the bother of growing these flowers. The battles with the slugs and snails would wear me out. But I am fascinated by the structural shapes of the petals and the vast array of brilliant colours and shapes that dahlias assume. Native to Mexico, dahlias nevertheless seem to have acclimatised to our cooler climate. They're a cheerful sight in early autumn in our parks and gardens.


  1. They sure do have fabulous petals. I didn't know that they flowered in Autumn.

  2. I don't grow them either as they require staking and the tubers must be lifted before the ground freezes. But they sure are spectacular flowers and you pictures are perfect.

  3. You captured those in wonderful light. They practically glow.

    I grow that one in the middle and I love it. I'm always surprised that they survive our wet winters here in Oregon. In theory I should dig them up and store them for the winter.

  4. The three you show are beautiful. Elizabeth Park has a big planting of dahlias. They are as tall as I am!

  5. I have never tried to grow them, either, but they are so lovely. a kaleidoscope!

  6. These are absolutely glorious! I always kick myself for not have the foresight to plant them in order to enjoy this time of year.

  7. They are indeed beautiful specimens, so delicately and perfectly formed. Thanks for sharing these (and for dropping by my blog). Wishing you a happy and safe week.
