
Tuesday 16 October 2012

Men at work 3

Someone else on his knees, this time carefully painting a mural in the children's part of the bookshop on Salts Mill's second floor. It really is a lovely shop (see here for a more general view). I called in to buy a couple of books for my granddaughter's birthday. I'm looking forward to when she's old enough to accompany me and choose her own books, but this time I chose for her - a couple of board books: 'The Very Busy Spider' by Eric Carle and 'Goodnight Moon' by Margaret Wise Brown.

Later: It seems that our talented mural painter is a 'Salt and Light' blog fan - he just emailed me! Sounds like he has forgiven me for sneakily taking his photo when he wasn't looking. His name is Nick; he describes himself as a Saltaire resident and bookseller at the Mill - so I think he must be behind a lot of the creativity evident in what is, as I have said, one of my favourite stores.  Isn't it nice when people get in touch?


  1. What a fabulous mural. Believe me, it won't be long before you're walking into that shop, hand in hand with your granddaughter. Where does the time go? SW's twin sisters begin school next September!

  2. It looks a fun place and you made an excellent choice in books for your grand daughter. They are great children's authors

  3. I'd like to be able to paint this way!When I was in london, I bought books by Beatrix Potter, I love her work, and it's hard to find it in France. I hesitated to tell you that I was flying to London;I did not because it seemed to me that Saltaire was very far, and I did not want to disturb you. But don't worry, I should go back to England soon (I love London sooooo much!) and next time, we 'll meet!

  4. This is going to be a perfect mural for the space. I love kids books!

  5. Nice capture, jennyfreckles. I LOVE Good Night Moon and The Very Busy Spider. When your daughter is older, get Make Way For Ducklings.

  6. Send him over to Stavanger. I work in a bookshop.....
    Looks nice and creative!
