
Friday 5 October 2012


Another canal scene, this one taken on the way to work yesterday morning. Autumn... season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  We had the mist, though things don't feel especially mellow or fruitful this year to me, yet.  It's rare to see a canal boat on the move at 8.00 am (holidaymakers usually get up and going rather later than that) so I was very lucky that this one loomed up out of the fog just as I had my iPhone out.  And yes, it's THAT view again... click the label below for more photos taken from more or less this spot.  I am always surprised how different it can look in different conditions.


  1. This could easily be the setting for a 'thriller'. Cue spooky music.

  2. I'm looking forward to the foggy mornings. We haven't had many up where I live yet.

  3. This is lovely Jenny, so much feeling and atmosphere. I can almost imagine myself there.

  4. I was beginning to think that you have more than your share of bright sunny weather in Saltaire. Could anything be prettier than this autumn mist though?

  5. I love's so beautiful and mysterious!

  6. The ripples around the boat looked, at first, like oars --- shades of the Norsemen! Lord, deliver us!

    1. I didn't notice that but, now you mention it, yes, they do.

  7. This is an eerie autumnal scene I'd never see here in the Philippines. I enjoy watching the seasons change in other people's photos; it's one of the things I do miss living in the tropics. But I can't say I hanker to be there... just looking at this photo chills me! Still it's a cool moody shot. And I totally grasp why this vantage is perfect for recoding the seasons turning.

  8. I like the wispiness, and I enjoyed browsing through the other "that view" scenes too. How varied they are!
