
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Towton Battlefield Society

Bolling Hall is run by Bradford Council, and I think they do a great job there. They teach about history in a lively, interesting way. It's a place you feel you can really explore; not one of those 'keep off, don't touch' places. The day I went, the Towton Battlefield Society (its Frei Compagnie re-enactors) were encamped in the grounds, demonstrating combat and other activities from the time of the Wars of the Roses in the 15th century. These men demonstrated how the armour was put on, piece by piece and then how they might have fought, using different weapons including pikes, swords and daggers. We learned all sorts of interesting things... Apparently, fighting in a suit of armour quickly leads to dehydration, so in a battle the men-at-arms had to be rotated and rested.

The battle of Towton took place near York in 1461 and was a decisive battle with something like 40,000 fighting men in each opposing army. It was a very turbulent time of England's history when the Royal Houses of Lancaster (red rose) and York (white rose) were fiercely contesting the right to rule. All very complicated. In the end there was reconciliation (through a political marriage) and the great Tudor dynasty started.


  1. Very interesting. They have quite a web site; thanks for the link.

  2. I find it interesting that so many people are into battle re-enactment. I recently saw a blog post about Civil War re-enacters in Washington state. Washington? That was so far away in the 1860s that there could not have been a real Civil War battle there!

  3. Pretty interesting. I hope no-one got hurt!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What I meant to say was that I really enjoyed my visit to Bolling Hall and I Covet that bed!
