
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Dockfield Mills

I took a walk along the towpath of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal into Shipley, to explore a part of the town that I have not really looked at before. Despite its wealth of history, it's now an isolated and somewhat run-down area. This building was once part of Dockfield Mills, built c1900 and still bearing the original name on its parapet, though it is now called Staveley House. It is currently used as offices but looks a bit neglected. The Leeds-Liverpool Canal goes from left to right on my photo. (The cyclists are on the towpath, which is a recognised cycleway.) On the right, some modern flats and houses have been built fairly recently. The area of water in the foreground is the stump that is left of the Bradford Canal, a 3.5 mile canal branch that went right into the centre of the city of Bradford. Built around 1774, it was closed in 1922 when it became unprofitable and was eventually filled in in the 1950s.


  1. You photographs look even more vibrant and eye-catching on my new monitor. I almost suggested Shipley for our challenge this year but I thought it might be a little too close to home.

  2. Love this photo! And the mill photos always make me think of Mr. Thornton. sigh.

  3. That building would be full of $$$ lofts here!

  4. Maybe it looks neglected, but your picture is just gorgeous !

  5. Neglected? You did a great job of making the building and its site seem very, very desirable. Nice image!

  6. We love working here and feel very honoured to have been able to rescue this beautiful building from dereliction. Thanks for this photo.

  7. Nice photo and Fabulous owners
