
Thursday 22 November 2012

It's coming!

We're barely half way through November, but in Leeds you could have no doubt that Christmas is coming! The annual German Christkindelmarkt, held in Millennium Square, has been opened, and continues until 16 December. It has its usual mix of lots of continental-style delights to eat and drink and glittering toys, trinkets and baubles. These did look rather pretty, I have to say. Each is a little work of art, in its own way. I can remember from my childhood the excitement each year of unpacking those glass treasures, carefully stored in their tissue paper, and then hanging them on the tree. It was like greeting old friends and then each year we added one or two new ones too. Christmas seems to have lost some of its magic for me over the years but maybe this year, seen through the eyes of my granddaughter, it will feel special again.

I have just realised it's Thanksgiving today (Thursday) in the USA. (Not at the weekend as I thought).  So this sparkly picture can be my way of wishing all my American readers a very special and happy day.  I actually think we should import Thanksgiving here.  There's much to give thanks for - and that side of Christmas is rather hi-jacked by all the razzmatazz these days.


  1. Glass baubles are such pretty decorations ... They bring back memories of when my girls were small and we would undo the Christmas box and ponder over the very best place to hang each bauble.
    I love your pretty red decorations.

  2. It certainly is coming Jenny, and I hope it's very special for you. It' hard not to get caught up in my children's enthusiasm.

  3. I love you composition here, how you framed the photo.

  4. For me , it's still magyc, it's my favorite time of the year.
    I'm sure that your little lady will help you to see the magyc again!

  5. So pretty!
    Perfect Christmas card.

  6. Yes, every country should have a Thanksgiving holiday. It is a quiet, unassuming holiday...our favorite! It's also the kickoff of Christmas..and it will be a whirlwind of decor, baking and celebrating from now til New Years Day! haha.
    I love your photo...lovely ornaments!

  7. These are very pretty ornaments. I enjoy pulling out the boxes of ornaments and remembering where we got each one.

  8. Beautiful shot, but I am not ready for it.

  9. It seems that every year I have more for which to give thanks. Today as we went around the feast table (hah) we each offered one thankful thought. Everyone mentioned family first, right down to the youngest one.

    Your display of ornaments makes my heart skip a beat thinking about the season ahead.

