
Monday 5 November 2012

Two trees in autumn

We saw them in the spring, and here they are again in autumn, just beginning to turn brown. There is something comforting, I find, in the regular turning of the seasons, even though I am loathe to trade the light and warmth of the summer for the cold, grey darkness of wintertime. There is a rhythm to Life, although not a uniformity.  I doubt these trees look exactly the same two autumns in succession.

I was glad to see the geese grazing on the field just beyond the gateway. I think they must be the flock that is often found lazing around on Saltaire URC's lawns.  There is something inspiring about geese and especially at this time of year, as Anita's blog reminded me recently.


  1. A wondeful capture of the season. It would be lovely to see the same scene in all four seasons

  2. I liked seeing the same scene in two different seasons. Do you look at Steffe's famous series of photos of "this old tree?" This photo reminded me of his tree. You can shoot this over and over and it will be interesting each time.

    1. Yes, I've seen Steffe's tree, it has real character.

  3. Lovely shot! I agree with Jack's suggestion.
