
Wednesday 12 December 2012

A promise fulfilled

I promised - so here it is..... Saltaire's Christmas tree, all lit up. Standing on the lawn outside the Victoria Hall, it has a bit of a hard job competing with the floodlights that illuminate this magnificent Victorian building. (See here for a daytime photo of the Victoria Hall).  Nevertheless, it's quite pretty this year, with coloured lights that flash. They're a bit blurry in my photo as it was really windy at the time I took it.


  1. Magnificent tree, tastefully decorated...and not a runner bean in sight!

  2. I bet it looks pretty flashing its lights. I just learnt recently that Photographing Christmas lights is best done just before dark when the ambient light and the Christmas lights are about the same. Then the camera will get the right exposure so that you can see the surroundings and the lights. Too early and the lights are faded, to late and the surroundings disappear.

    1. I think that's right Diane. Unfortunately I'm still at work at that magical hour at this time of year!

  3. It's very lovely! And the lovely old building just adds to the look!

  4. I think it looks magnificent. Thanks for going back.

  5. This one is so lovely Jenny, I admire your night photography!
