
Sunday, 13 January 2013

13. Venetian fantasy

The chimney of Saltaire's New Mill is wonderfully ornate, considering its prosaic function. The architects Lockwood and Mawson modelled it on the campanile of the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, one of Venice's great churches. One can only assume Sir Titus wanted to make a statement, crowning this building that is so visible, as it sits beside the bridge at the bottom of Saltaire's main street.


  1. In France we say "to join useful and beautyful" for such things. Yes, why should useful things be ugly?
    Your yesterday pic is also great!

  2. It is quite ornate for its use but certainly makes a statement for the town.

  3. Good for Sir Titus for not cutting corners and settling for something ordinary.

  4. It works very well in northern England.
