
Friday 1 February 2013

A strange land

How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?    Psalm 137:4

The snow came - plenty of it - last week, transforming the landscape, as it does, into something strange but beautiful. At the same time my lovely mum gently slipped away, her life ending peacefully after a long illness that gradually sapped her strength. Bereavement is a strange land too, and the more so when there is a lot to get to grips with at a practical level, hardly time to stop and reflect. There is, nevertheless, the promise of spring: of new beginnings, new growth, fresh adventures, light, colour, warmth. And without the rhythm of the seasons, without the cold, hard times when life is tough, perhaps we would not anticipate or appreciate the spring so much.

I had planned to take a break from blogging in January, needing to regroup, refresh and build up some photo stock again.  In the event, the break was necessary for different reasons. It means that my active blogging will continue to be on hold for a while longer. I've a few photos from here and there to post but realistically it looks like being another month or two before I get anything like 'back to normal'. Don't go away! I'll be back.


  1. I'm so very sorry, jennyfreckles, to hear of your loss. Your blog is firmly bookmarked at this end and I look forward to seeing you back, as and when. In the meantime, my thoughts are with you and yours.

  2. So sorry to hear about your mother, but glad she went peacefully. I visit you frequently but don't always comment. Your photographs are always so outstanding. May the Lord give you peace and comfort in the coming days.

  3. Hi Jenny .. I'm so sorry and my thoughts are with you and the family .. having lost my mother last July ... that strangeness lingers - yet the happiness of life together remains with us.

    The photo says a great deal - the river of life, the quiet and peace of the setting and as you say knowing that there's a life ahead for you ... all in due time - that's the important thing now .. is to remember you while you adjust to life ahead ...

    All the very best and very many thoughts from down south ... I'll be thinking of you - with hugs - Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. It happens to us all in the end and there is comfort in knowing others have trod the path too.

  4. I'm so sad for you and your family.At least your mum left this world with you on her side, and she'll remain in your heart.
    This beautiful picture today is a perfect tribute.

  5. My condolences to you and your family for your loss.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Jenny. It is difficult for us who remain, to have them gone. God's blessings on you as you deal with this loss - and I know you trust in Jesus Christ who gives us hope and a future.

    1. My faith is an enormous comfort to me. Thanks for your good wishes.

  7. Taking a break is a good thing...we won't go away if you don't. (o;
    It is very cold here, but the snow brightens the days quite a bit. You continue to be in my prayers as you walk through the loss of your mom...

  8. Your words are so magnificent, jennyfreckles. What a soft touch you have.

    Condolences on the loss of your mother. You bear your loss with enviable dignity.

    And, your knack with a shutter button continues unabated.

    See you when you are ready to go live again on this blog.

  9. Beautiful words, jennyfreckles. "Slipping away gently" at the end of a long, well-lived life would be my own choice.

    Blessings to you and may you find comfort.

  10. I've been thinking about you the last few weeks. Big hugs. You take all the time you need...we'll be here when you return!

  11. So sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful blogpost, though. You're certainly right about bereavement being a strange land and even when knowing that one will be going there one still does not quite know what to expect. My own parents died in 2009 and 2011 and some practicalities (like a house to be sold) still remain to deal with. Best wishes to you and may spring be "just around the corner"...

    1. Thank you. It does help to know that others tread a similar path. I hope mum's property does not take too long to sell but I suspect it won't be easy in the present economic climate.

  12. Jenny, my sympathy on the loss of your Mother. One of the most difficult things we all endure. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to your return. Rest, grieve and get strong. Fondly, Gin

  13. Much love Jenny. I will look forward to your return x
