
Sunday 17 February 2013


My February posts are as random as can be.  Never mind... life is gradually resuming a rhythm and at least I'm managing to post.  Last week was a welcome break for me as I went to stay with my daughter's family in London for a few days. I had plenty of lovely grandma-time, noticing again how quickly my granddaughter is changing, growing and developing. Frequent visits are essential so I don't miss anything... E is crawling all over the place with determination now. She's also really beginning to enjoy being read to, which is a delight for me.
We saw an exhibition in the Hayward Gallery: "Light Show" - a series of sculptures and installations that use light in different ways. It was fascinating and quite engaging for a child too. I especially enjoyed watching E crawling around Carlos Cruz-Diez's installation "Chromosaturation", delighting in the wide expanse of smooth floor and exploring the different coloured lights, an exercise in colour perception for all ages.
My daughter and I also treated ourselves to a night out at the theatre, to see "Midnight Tango", a celebration of the dance, starring Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace, my favourite dancers from BBC TVs 'Strictly Come Dancing'. It was a great show for deaf old me - no dialogue to miss! I thoroughly enjoyed it - great music, a simple but engaging storyline and all that fabulous, elegant, sensual tango. Wonderful!
London by night still has the power to excite. Theatre-land round Leicester Square was thronged with people, ablaze with lights and created a sense of anticipation for the evening ahead. My iPhone did a creditable job on it.


  1. How nice that you could spent some time with your daughter and granddaughter in London ! They are growing so fast. Toby is now 2 years old already ! The shows in London are excellent. I can get packages Hotel+show and just have to add the Eurostar train which takes me to London in not even 2 h !

  2. So glad to hear that you've spent some 'quality' time with your nearest and dearest. The phone cameras are getting better and better. Your photograph is pin-sharp.

  3. Yes there is nothing quite like the west end in london. Lovely that you could combine it with a great family visit.

  4. looks and sounds like a good weekend.
    and there is nothing wrong with random!

  5. London by night! What a wonderful visit you had. Thank you for sharing. Took me back to my 10 days In England and 5 days in London. I would love to return some day. What a wild theatre this is! Great photo. Gin

  6. I'm glad life is getting back to normal. And, that you enjoyed some grandmother time and some adult time at the theater. You deserve good things.

  7. Beautiful building and great night shot!

  8. It looks like a wonderful old theater in which you visited. I have heard of that one lots of times. The lighting makes the photo really great.
