
Saturday 2 March 2013

Fifty shades...

The inside of The Hepworth is, to me, even more beguiling than the outside - stark and minimalist, clad in fifty shades of grey. This is one of the stairwells, more or less straight out of camera. The walls are lined with smooth grey slate. Perhaps people thought I was a little odd, taking photos of the stairs... but I was reminded of our innate British middle-class politeness, as time and again people hung back so as not to get in the way of my picture. (They don't realise how long it takes me, faffing about to get it right!)


  1. The "faffing about" was certainly worth it though! That's a beautifully balanced shot.

  2. It's a wonderful photo! And grey, being my favorite color, I'd stay faffing about each panel just to appreciate each one! Faffing. haha. You know, we don't have that word over here but I love it! It's fun to say! It's fun to see people's faces as I say it! lol...ok...enough

  3. A wonderful photo! So glad folks allowed you to faff (what a great word!)

  4. Excellent, almost sculptural.

    Faffing about! What I learn on your site!

  5. Love the term "faffing about". You have created a nice shot with repeating diagonal lines. It sure sounds an interesting building.
