
Friday 22 March 2013

Picture window

Still not well, though recovering, I have been looking over some of the photos I took in Wakefield. This is the view from one of the huge windows in The Hepworth. They are 'picture windows' in the best sense of the word. They give visitors to the gallery an extraordinary sense that the views outside are very much part of what one is meant to be appreciating, as much as the sculpture inside. In this case the framed subject is an old mill (which I think they are going to convert to residential use) and the oddly-shaped timber structure, which did not appear to have much purpose except possibly as a rain shelter.  It reminded me of a mammoth or some kind of huge beetle. Quite dramatic.


  1. Sorry to hear you have not been well. On a day like today, the best place for anyone is at home next to a warm, fire. I have a feeling that we will need to extend our Silsden deadline by a month or so to take account of the ridiculous weather.

  2. Yes, looks like a beetle; strange.

  3. Hi Jenny - I do hope you start to feel better soon ... and perhaps for all of us to feel happier - if Spring and some warmth would arrive that weather would be really kind!

    Look after yourself .. and it is a picture window isn't it .. cheers Hilary

  4. This arrangement of shapes looks fab. Glad you're on the mend.

  5. Fantastic image, jennyfreckles. Sorry that this has taken you so long to shake the bug.

  6. Interesting piece of what has to be functional art. Sorry you're feeling off spec. I took your advice an tried another browser. I hate it, but it does let me comment again. Jim

  7. I thought it was a modern sculpture! ha.

    feel better! xo

  8. Then we are sitting in the same boat ! I am slowly getting out of a big cold too. So fed up to be locked in !

  9. I agree with you. It does look rather prehistoric! I like it.

  10. Poor jennyfreckles! I hope you are restored to health soon. A wonderful picture == what a strange structure that is!
