
Monday 25 March 2013


Enough said really.... and a lot has been said about the weird weather patterns that the UK seems to be stuck in. This time last year we were having a heatwave! My own peculiar week, where I effectively lost four days to a feverish haze and then had another good few days not feeling up to much, was oddly capped off by the heavy snowfall on Friday/Saturday. I feel like I've been hibernating. I only ventured out to church on Sunday morning, snapping this Saltaire alleyway on my iPhone on the way home.  Snowfall here in the valley has been light compared with elsewhere in the area but even so we had a good few inches. It's back to work for me this week. What with one thing and another, I just crave a bit of rhythm and routine.


  1. Glad to hear that you're feeling better, jennyfreckles. The snow has avoided us here in the south, although that may change by the end of the week.

  2. Nice photograph, it sums up life around here perfectly. It has got past a joke now, it is almost April and I can't get the car out of the drive because of snow drifts.

  3. Pleased you've recovered Jenny.
    Your springs are vastly different to ours!

  4. Hang in there, jennyfreckles. Your health will return and spring will eventually arrive. Patience . . .

  5. Brr - hope spring comes back soon!

  6. I have the same view in our street ! I think spring went on strike ! No wonder that everybody has the blues, there is such a lack of light !

  7. I've seen TV pics of weather in England, with snow and rain.. This year, M. Winter really does not want to leave!Hope you'll be better soon!

  8. Nice capture Jenny. Sorry to read you've not been well - hope you're soon "firing on all cylinders" again. (Can't help wondering how all those bins get emptied! - our rubbish collection is done by large trucks with mechanical arms that lift the bins off the ground, empty them into the "inner sanctum" of the truck then return the bins to the ground. Clearly there's not room for such vehicles down this laneway!) Wishing you a healthier week - and a warmer one!
