
Monday 20 May 2013

A different light

A couple of weeks ago the photography club that I attend had an evening outing - to Saltaire! So it was a bit of a busman's holiday for me. Nevertheless, the 'golden hour' late sunshine happened to be good and I enjoyed wandering around - trying to see my home patch in a different light, I suppose. I haven't had chance to post the photos before. Since then, most of our trees have gained more leaves and it's all looking more summery, even though it doesn't feel it (still quite chilly).

By the way, just a reminder to anyone living within travelling distance of Saltaire that next weekend (Bank Holiday weekend 25 - 27 May) is the annual Saltaire Arts Trail - tons to see and do, including the Open Houses (village houses opened to the public and displaying art of various kinds: pictures, ceramics, photos, textiles and more.)


  1. Lovely warm evening light, with those long shadows.

  2. I prefer to take photographs at either end of the day. The summer daylight is a bit too intense for my liking. This is particularly nice shot, jennyfreckles.

  3. Beautiful picture. Thank goodness that we seem to be emerging from what has been an almost endless winter. There is nothing like the Spring light to awaken the photographer in us all.

  4. That's beautiful! How I'd love to visit that area!

  5. That looks so tranquil! I like that expression, the "golden hour".

  6. I love where you live...the settings, the architecture...timeless places...just beautiful!

  7. It looks great, jennyfreckles. The golden hour is a wonder, isn't it?
