
Sunday 5 May 2013

Across the border!

Spring outing number two..... Having failed to find any shoes in Skipton last week, a colleague at work suggested I try Boundary Mill, which is a huge store near Colne that sells discounted 'quality branded goods'. It's a massive place, selling not only clothes, shoes and accessories but also things for the home, like bedding, towels, china, cookware. You can easily spend all day there. It's a bit overwhelming really. It does sell some very good stuff - last year's lines of posh brands like Jaeger, and some continental lines like Italian knitwear. There is so much stock that you'd be hard-pressed not to find something that you like. So I bought some shoes... and some tops, a nightdress, a cardigan and a summer coat. Oops - a bit of a spree really! It's 'over the border' in Lancashire - but I'm not proud.

It was raining when I went in the store but by the time I came out again the sun was shining, so I decided to go to Wycoller, which is a hamlet and country park on the border between Lancashire and Yorkshire.  This is the peaceful view from the car park. The hamlet itself is so tucked away that you have to leave your car and walk down into the little valley where the buildings sit.

(BTW, these photos were taken just over a week ago. The ensuing week of sunshine and showers has meant that the winter-bare trees are now misted in green, as the new leaves burst forth. It seems to have happened very suddenly and quickly. We are rejoicing. :) But it does mean this series of photos looks a bit dated already!)


  1. Yes, the leaves have made a sudden appearance around here, too. A real 'feel good' factor.

    You must have welcomed a stop in such a peaceful setting, after your spree!

  2. Glad to hear that you got a bargain and a pretty view on the way home. It sounds an interesting hamlet if you can't get your car in there.

  3. It is a scenic place, wherever it is. It was inevitable that the trees would start to leaf out . . . sometime.

  4. We have the same sudden popping of leaves here. I love the idea of having to walk into the little town.

  5. Well, I think your little shopping spree sounds wonderful! And how great that you found many nice things at a discounted price!

    The scene is lovely! And I'm glad you have more green now!

  6. What a delightful scene - would love to take a stroll down to the hamlet in the valley. Thanks again for sharing Jenny, and for your kind comments on my blog. Wishing you a wonderful sunny week.
