
Thursday 30 May 2013

Rest in peace

In many ways the real healing and solace of the National Memorial Arboretum comes not from its numerous and varied man-made memorials but from the natural beauty of the site. Bounded by a wide and slowly flowing river, with a managed nature reserve on the opposite bank, the site has thousands of recently planted trees, and areas of long grass and wildflowers, as well as manicured lawns and flower beds. I imagine that the many small creatures and birds living there reveal themselves more readily early in the morning or in the evening when all is quiet. The woodland is still rather immature, but I would love to visit again in a few years time when the trees have grown taller and the site is really well-established. Even now, it's a lovely place to stroll or sit (plenty of benches) and relax. Despite the crowds I found a peace there that was very refreshing.

There were some spectacular memorials that I haven't chosen to show on this blog, but I am intending to post more photos on my other blog, 'Seeking the Quiet Eye', at some point soon.


  1. It is a very serene place. The young trees will grow fast along the water.

  2. You've captured that sense of peace, very well.

  3. It already does convey an atmosphere of peace.
