
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Pure gold

I've had a wonderful few days with my daughter and granddaughter this week, celebrating my birthday (another!) among other things. E is growing fast and learning fast and I find her fascinating to watch as she explores her surroundings and toys. Apart from the odd meltdown when she is determined to do something her own way and the adults around don't understand exactly what she wants, she is a sunny and secure little soul, with a seemingly wicked sense of humour developing! Her golden hair is exactly the colour mine was as a child, though she has curls and I don't think I did. I'm looking forward rather than back, on what would have been my mum's 86th birthday today. Mum was - and would be - so proud of our little golden moppet.


  1. What an adorable picture ! Looks as if she has the same age as my little grandson Toby (2 1/2) He too is blond and he looks like me when I was the same age ! It's really strange. If the pictures wouldn't be in color and mine in black and white we could be twins, lol !

  2. What a beautyful portrait of a lovely little girl!!
    It seems to me it was yesterday that you showed us a pic of her after she was born..
    Are you a gemini too?! (my birthday was last sunday..Ü)

  3. Hi Jenny - what a lovely post .. we can only look forward can't we - my mother died nearly a year ago - but your mother and mine had good ages - and we are lucky with happy memories ... the little golden moppet looks an absolute delight - no wonder she melts your heart! Cheers Hilary

  4. aw...missing your mom....

    That picture is so lovely...the light streaming in just makes it! Love her little profile and golden hair!

  5. Such a beautiful picture and a beautiful child! The lighting is perfect!
