
Tuesday 30 July 2013


A gentleman standing up to his thighs in the River Aire drew some interested observers at the Bingley Show. He was demonstrating fly-fishing, and managed the considerable feat of talking into a head-microphone, whilst casting his line in that mesmerising way, so that the 'fly' on the end looped and flicked over the water much as a real fly might do. Fascinating, though I won't be taking up the sport. It's said that fly-fishing was a favourite pastime of the late Queen Mother, though I'm not sure I can imagine her thigh-deep in a river. I suppose she took off her crown.


  1. There's a horse race called the Queen Mother Chase - one wouldn't have thought she'd have stood much chance of getting away!

  2. I've seen footage of the Queen Mother in her waders, fly fishing. I tried it a couple of times but couldn't get to grips.

    A neighbour is into fly fishing, and once worked as a gillie. He even appeared in an 'Ian Botham Goes Fly Fishing' DVD, where he was assisting none other than Eric Clapton!

    1. Remarkable what Ian Botham has managed to get himself into since he stopped being a cricketer. Clearly the list of fly-fishers is rather august.

  3. The part of the image I like best is (are?) the two well-dressed little girls standing by and watching the fisherman. Nice!

  4. That is a clever sport. The kids look wrapped. "took off her crown" hee hee

  5. My dear friend is a fly is almost like a dance!
