
Tuesday 9 July 2013

RIP Saltaire roundabout

The time has come..... After years of argument and planning discussions, the junction at Saltaire roundabout is to be altered, to try to relieve the traffic congestion. I have mentioned before how dangerous it is. At present six roads converge, three of them main arterial routes.  There are numerous accidents, even more near-misses and I feel that I'm putting my life and my car at risk every time I try to negotiate it.

Starting later this month, they are going to remove the roundabout, close off two of the smaller roads and make the junction traffic-light controlled. The work is predicted to take up to six months - so that will be six months of increased hell for all of us living locally, with the hope that in the long-run it will be better. I doubt it will reduce the congestion and queues at peak times but it might make it a safer junction.

I thought I'd better take a photo for posterity. This view will soon look a bit different.


  1. Hope you are not inconvenienced for too long. Shame to have congestion in such a nice village.

  2. So they're removing roundabouts where you live... Here they just keep adding more and more of them. There's hardly a junction without a roundabout left in town!

  3. Six roads converging? That is an impossible mess. In many situations roundabouts are preferable to traffic lights. I am not sure that any solution works for an intersection with six roads entering.

  4. I find roundabouts rather daunting, especially if there's a lot of traffic. Fortunately, they are rare in my part of the world.

  5. Here we have roundabouts everywhere. They really improve safety when they're well made. I hope you'll be safer when work will be over.

  6. Wisconsin has become crazy for roundabouts...I'm not so sure about them I drive through 3 in the 4 mile drive to our fields. Last week an elderly gentleman clearly did not know what to do with one. 6 roads seems a bit much!
