
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Harvest festival

This display of flowers and produce from Saltaire's Canalside Allotments looked so colourful and inviting that I couldn't resist a photo. There was also an interesting display about honey bees; there are beehives right at the bottom of the lane. I know bees are vital to our social economy, as pollinators of crops. What I didn't know is that worker bees are all female, they only live for four to six weeks - and one bee will only produce about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime!  See more fun facts here.


  1. I had no idea that the worker bees are all female, either.

    1. The males are drones and are just there for the sex!

  2. The English passion for gardens and allotments.

  3. What a lovely composition, jennyfreckles.

    So, in bee world, the women do all the work and the men just have sex? I am putting in a new request for how I want to spend the next life.
