
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

View from on high

Sunday was one of those good, clear days with interesting cloud cover. I happened to have to drive up to Wrose, a district of Bradford that sits right on top of a hill overlooking the Aire Valley. It's a good place from which to survey the area. From there you can see a 180ยบ panorama, from Bradford city centre on your left to Saltaire on your right. I hadn't the necessary tackle (tripod etc) or time to make a 'proper' panorama, so I just took several shots of various parts of the scene. This is looking up the valley. You can see part of Gilstead/Eldwick sparkling in the sunshine on the hill, back right. The white blocks, back leftish, are what my daughter used to call 'the three flats of Bingley' - three tower blocks - with the town of Bingley in the dip behind.

In the middle ground, right, you can see the unmistakable bulk of Salts Mill, with the neat rows of Saltaire village houses behind and to its left. The immediate foreground is Shipley town centre. Maybe you can see the square modern clock tower, just down left from the mill chimney.


  1. Conurbations cuddled by the countryside. Wonderful.

  2. Oh, isn't that gorgeous! What a view! But I like the new picture of you even better! :)

  3. Such a wonderful sky! And I, too, really like the new picture of you!

  4. You had great light and a wonderful sky to enhance your photo, jennyfreckles.
