
Saturday 26 October 2013

New England 4: Pumpkins

The scenery over to the east of New England, in New Hampshire, is pretty spectacular. The White Mountains include the highest peak in the northeastern US, Mt Washington. The area is a climbing, hiking, ski-ing magnet so many of the towns have a definite 'touristy' feel to them. The fall colours weren't quite as developed here as in Vermont, but it was still very attractive.

Everywhere we went there were pumpkins and squashes, in many different colours. The US puts much more emphasis on 'Fall' and 'Halloween' than we do here (though we are catching on!) with bright displays of flowers and pumpkins everywhere - in shops, hotels and on doorsteps. I liked the look of this farm shop near North Conway. The rock outcrop behind is Cathedral Ledge, popular with climbers.

(I cloned one intrusive overhead electricity cable out, left the thinner ones!)


  1. So true...we all celebrate fall and it's colors! It's almost as much a celebration that the heat of summer is gone than anything. ha. Fall is a favorite for, included. And we do love our's baked into everything this time of year!

  2. Yes, this is New England in the fall. We are a bit nuts about pumpkins, I admit.

  3. Don't know about you but I don't remember there being such a thing as Halloween when I was a child. Or maybe I was just too busy with building a bonfire and making a Guy to notice.

  4. Halloween certainly seems to be "big" the US. Here in Sweden it's a much more sombre holiday focusing mostly on visits to light candles on the graves of our ancestors.
