
Monday 7 October 2013

Spen Valley Longsword

Spen Valley Longsword were also dancing in Roberts Park. They practise a form of dance that was once common throughout the north of England, and is kept going by some dedicated teams across Yorkshire. All the dances involve intricate figures using the swords, some of the figures symbolising mock executions and resurrection. At the end the six swords are traditionally interlaced and held aloft. These dances are, I believe, all about celebrating the Winter Solstice and the coming of the New Year, new beginnings.


  1. All the dancers seem to be of a certain age. No young people are interested in carrying on the tradition I guess.

  2. I think that's the hardest form of dancing to photograph successfully but you've got some nice images there.

  3. I like RedPat's observation that the dancers are "of a certain age." That is such a delicate phrase . . .

  4. That looks like the same sword dance as the Flamborough fishermen perform on Boxing Day.
