
Monday 14 October 2013

The cat sat....

The cat sat on the mat pavement - and STARED at me. Isn't it unnerving when they do that? It was sitting outside one of Saltaire's 'workmen's houses'. The door on the left is the standard Saltaire front door. The house on the right must have been altered before the village became a Conservation Area (or else someone has been naughty!)  It really shows why the Listed status for Saltaire is important; people do all sorts of bizarre things without regulation... random pebbledash, for instance!


  1. How very odd! The stonework at the bottom of the wall seems to be newer, the stone blocks are the wrong size - which wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't then decided to go for the "random pebbledash" look. As for the cat they always seem to do that to me - the more you ignore them the more they take it as a sign of affection!

  2. I Love kitties and forgive them for anything they do, even staring at me! :o)This one looks like Batman!
    Interesting to notice the differences in architecture. Luckily the city is now protecting it..

    1. It does look like Batman. I hadn't noticed that.

  3. Replies
    1. Kitty would be at home in your family, Betsy!

  4. Glad the town is now protected from such treatments! It's such a lovely place.

  5. Many cats will just sit and stare at you because they want something. Mine sits beside his food dish and stares at me and isn't satisfied until I've put some food in it -- even if there is already food there. He will also sit beside his string toy and stare. My son's cat sits at the end of the living room nearest to the bathroom and stares at you until you go into the bathroom and turn on the tap so she can drink from it, even though she has a water dish. But not satisfied with the tap on, she will sit beside the tap and wait until the cold water is really cold. (Their water pipes are near the surface of the ground and they live near the desert). I'll bet the cat in your photo wants you to open the door.

  6. The cat is daring you to mention his pebble dash. "Move along; nothing to see here."

  7. Nice composition, jenny freckles. I can see the differences in the doors, but I didn't know that the one on the right is not traditional. The stone work on the right is, indeed, abysmal.
