
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Through the triangular window....

It was raining at the time (!) but I think nevertheless you can see the impact of the glorious scenery viewed through one of the gable windows of Scargill House's chapel... Yorkshire drystone walling and lots of trees on this side, a view across the valley on the other.

I don't suppose many people will remember where my title comes from - did you ever watch 'Playschool'?  When my daughter was small, in the early 1980s, we often watched this children's TV programme. They zoomed in to a film sequence through a different-shaped window each time.


  1. Great shot. And yes, I remember Playschool. But now we've moved on to Show Me, Show Me, and beyond!

  2. Scargill - now there's a name that can provoke a few rich comments, but let's not get into politics.
