
Sunday 15 December 2013

High Corn Mill, Skipton

Apologies for my absence from blogging. I seem to be very busy with necessary things that have prevented me from going out and about with my camera. It's always harder to find time in the winter. It's still dark when I leave home in the mornings and dark again by the time I come home from work. Weekends in the run-up to Christmas seem to be full this year. I haven't even been out to look at Saltaire's Advent windows yet!

I did take my camera when I went to meet a friend in Skipton recently. We spent so much time chatting over coffee(s) - and cake of course - that I left myself no time for taking photos. We rather lost track of time. (Isn't it delightful when a conversation is so engaging?) Then I suddenly remembered my parking ticket had run out and I had to dash back to the car before a traffic warden got there first! I took this quick snap of the old corn mill beside the canal. It has a water-wheel at the far side but it's not in a spot where you can really get a decent photo.


  1. It's a beautiful picture! Glad you had such a fun time chatting with a friend over coffee. I'm looking forward to a new picture or two of that little grand daughter! (hint, hint) :)

  2. When I visited Saltaire in Sept it was a choice between Skipton or Saltaire. Glad I picked your town but will have to visit Skipton some day.

  3. It is good to see you back here, jennyfreckles. You have a busy life these days.

  4. I had a holiday in Skipton once and came back with very few photos of the town - pubs rather than coffee shops I'm afraid. The countryside round about took up most of my time though.

  5. Nice shot. I heard, this morning, that Yorkshire is becoming known as Hollywood in the UK!
