
Monday 6 January 2014

Belated HNY

Wishing everyone a belated but sincere Happy New Year. Apologies that I'm not getting round to taking any new photos yet, never mind actual blogging. I am being productive in my spare time but just in different ways at the moment. In common with many others in this country and abroad, the weather hasn't exactly been conducive to getting out and about much either, with lots of rain and strong winds. My thoughts are with blog-friends in the northern USA - those low temperatures sound scary.  It's been lovely stopping by a few blogs to taste summer in Australia!

There have been  a few sunnier days here - mostly when I've been at work, of course. I took this shot when I went out for a walk on Boxing Day. It's the Coppice Pond at St Ives, Bingley. You may recall a similar viewpoint on a more autumnal day - here.


  1. Going down to -25˚C here in Toronto tonight with windchills of around -38 to -40˚C!! I love seeing your peaceful scene.

  2. Happy New Year and all my best wishes to you, dear Jenny!

  3. Happy New Year - and may the weather improve from this mild but wild stuff we seem to be stuck with at present.

  4. Happy New Year to you too. A lovely tranquil image to remind us mother nature can be kind as well as angry.

  5. I love that photo...a bird on each perch! ha. Hope you have some sunny days soon!

  6. Lovely picture! Things are a bit slow here too but the temperatures are shooting up into the teens! (Fahrenheit, of course.)
