
Thursday 16 January 2014

Wild wind blowing

This photo was one of those 'happy accidents' that sometimes happen. I was setting up my tripod and somehow managed to take a photo whilst moving the camera. I was about to delete it but then I thought that with a square crop it makes quite a nice image.


  1. You're right, it did work, especially with the pastel colours and what looks like a ghostly image of a tower near the top.

  2. Most of my photographs are accidents; few look as charming as that!

  3. YOu were right, it's colorful and feeds imagination!

  4. Very much my kind of thing, jennyfreckles. You've taken a photograph, and made a picture. Nice.

  5. No no no, DON'T delete it. It is beautiful. Some day we should all agree to show our favorite mistakes.

  6. It is a fun picture. I tried this in botanic gardens where there were beds of coloured tulips. I took the pic while moving the camera along the bed of flowers. It didn't come out as well as the one I had seen on a poster. You should try it on purpose next time...
