
Monday 3 February 2014

River Aire

Time to throw off some rustiness... I was much in need of some fresh air and exercise and thankfully this weekend's weather has not been too bad - drier and crisper than of late. I needed my thermal underpinnings (!) and it was very muddy underfoot in parts but I managed a decent walk on one of my regular routes, along the canal to Dowley Gap and then back along the River Aire and through Roberts Park. Apparently parts of southern England have had their wettest January since 1910. I don't think it has been quite so bad here in West Yorkshire. The river is very full, as you can see, but it's not flooding.


  1. Lovely - almost a spring light. Yes, I was back in the home territory deep south last week and I've never seen it so wet. A lot of damaged trees too.

  2. A very inviting path - even if the thermals were needed.

  3. What a beautiful place for a walk! I'm back to blogging again (part-time anyway). Hope you are well.

  4. Perfect spot for a stroll in the sun!
    Wettest january since 1910 here too..

  5. I could enjoy such a walk - we are to get more snow tonight!

  6. What a beautiful place to walk! I need to get out and walk but it's been too wet/cold/muddy (whining) -- I shall just pretend I'm a Brit and sally forth, well bundled up..

    Love your rust pictures!
