
Monday 10 February 2014

Small delights

Sometimes February just feels to me like endless, hostile flatlands, something to be slogged through with my mind fixed firmly on the brighter, more vibrant terrain ahead. But then something stops me in my tracks and reminds me that each season is important and that transition times are necessary to life. I was charmed by the tableau above: autumn leaves clinging doggedly to their branches whilst alongside are bright yellow catkins, shouting defiance to the grey skies and singing softly of spring to come.  Such a gentle patchwork of colour, prettily reflected in the canal beneath. Delightful, don't you think?


  1. A wonderful range of colour in this one, jennyfreckles.

  2. Seeing this, I think of an impressionnist painting!

  3. It is indeed, delightful - although it might be a shot of Saltaire High Street in the current conditions.

  4. Such a beautiful shot. Sadly we don't get catkins in our area. We used to have a pussy willow tree and so did our neighbors, but then along came a black caterpillar with whitish stripes along the sides and they just stripped everything off the willow trees. Honestly you could practically see them marching across our driveway from next door's tree.
