
Friday 7 February 2014

View down George Street

Stormy skies and shafts of sunshine show Saltaire at its best, I often think. I love the way the sun illuminates the stonework and picks out the tower of the church against the darker trees.  Rows of parked cars don't exactly add to the view but it is impossible these days to avoid them. I sometimes wish they'd occasionally have a car-free day in the village, but I don't suppose the residents would like that! It must have looked much nicer when the only traffic was a bicycle or a horse and cart.


  1. Those clouds look like look like they are full of trouble.

  2. Yes it is the sunlight on the stone set against stormy skies. One likes to think it is a traditionally Yorkshire scene but until the stone buildings were cleaned up and smoke was eradicated, our Victorian ancestors will have not experienced it.

  3. 'It's black o'er by our Bill's mother'.

  4. Would it have been more fragrant too? Great photo!

  5. When the pedestrian accepts the car-driver, and the car-driver accepts the pedestrian, then we'll have a truly diverse and multi-cultural society. (I think that cyclists like me will always be regarded with suspicion by both!)

  6. Gorgeous with the dark sky and sun hitting that tower! What a neat photo!
