
Saturday 15 March 2014

Gaggling geese

Just lately I feel that I am seizing up physically. I'm getting very little exercise during the day as changes to my job have made it more and more sedentary. At one time that perhaps wouldn't have mattered but now I can't afford to get stiff.  It takes longer to ease off!  So for the past few days, since we're having a spell of dry and brighter weather, I have made myself take a brisk walk at lunchtime.  I realise I am lucky that such a walk can be taken in such lovely surroundings. Not everyone gets to walk round a World Heritage Site in their lunch hour.

On Friday I had to run the gauntlet of the flock of geese that have made Saltaire their home these past couple of years. The collective noun is 'a gaggle of geese' - and I can only describe their attitude to me as 'gaggling': intense surveillance coupled with an odd little clucking noise that might have been goose laughter...


  1. When we lived in Yorkshire the farmers used their geese like watch dogs. No-one could get near the door if the geese were around. They were known to give nasty, hard pecks.

  2. I remember a warehouse locally that used geese to guard the place! Great photo.

  3. I understand that need of walking , I practise everyday. Modern life is making sitting animals from us..
    And I envy you this kind of place to walk : Meeting funny other walkers in a very beautiful place!

  4. That's really an ideal place for a walk during lunch hours ! So beautiful ! I am off to Djerba tomorrow, just escaping home and weather, lol !

  5. You live in such a picturesque place!

  6. They can be very fierce! Don't turn your back.

  7. This is such a charming place and a marvelous composition.

    I understand the problem with lack of exercise. When I worked, I walked at lunch whenever I didn't have a commitment over lunchtime. Now that I am retired, there is more free time and yet not a "natural" time to take a walk. I need to make a bigger commitment to walking, too!

  8. Reminds me a bit of my own town (BorĂ¥s, Sweden) which is also has a lot of old industrial buildings along the river - many of them these days reconstructed for other purposes, like offices and schools.

  9. a bet the walks are feeling great! Cute little gaggle, there! :)

  10. Nice shot! I have a gaggle of geese on my blog today too.
