
Monday, 2 June 2014

Pot shot

I hope you don't mind so many holiday photos... The weather here has not been very conducive to photography since I got back and I haven't had much free time to wander either.

I spent a few days in the north of Croatia, near Split, touring round the area and then a few days in Dubrovnik. I saw lots but the downside of such trips is that a fair bit of time is spent travelling - and on a coach you can't just ask for a photo stop! I occasionally took a pot shot out of the window. Croatia is famed for its sunsets out across the Adriatic Sea but this was the nearest I got to one... still, an atmospheric sky.

(Sorry about the intrusive watermark. I have my computer set up to add one automatically now, when I upload pics for my blog, but on this photo it's in the wrong place really.)


  1. Almost better than a sunset. The subtle gradation of the sky is beautiful and unusual.

  2. Fabulous sky ! All your pics are very interesting, and help to better know this beautiful cities and country !
