
Saturday 26 July 2014

Ghosts on the Glen

A recent walk was the first time this year that I have ventured up the valley side beyond Saltaire to Shipley Glen. It was a humid, brooding sort of a day but in some ways that kind of weather suits the craggy hillside, strewn with boulders, rough grass and heather. It's not quite moorland, but very typical of the area. You have to walk on and up further to access the real open moorland, above Baildon. The hillside has been used for recreation by generations of families, as I have mentioned in previous posts (see here and here). In fact, compared to Victorian/Edwardian times (when it was the site of the Pleasure Grounds, with all sorts of exciting rides) it's very quiet up there these days... though if you listen carefully, I'll swear you can hear laughter and children squealing.


  1. I think, that Bill Bryson mentioned the place in his book "notes from a small island. According to him there was a serious accident there, that saw the end of the fair ground.

  2. Hi Jenny - incredible bit of recreation land for the village and town folk .. you've captured the mood in the photo ... and I agree I'm sure you could hear the laughter and children squealing happily .. cheers Hilary

  3. I enjoy this quiet natural photograph highlighting that "brooding" sky.

    One of these days I need to look up "moor." I think I recognize it when I see it, but I am sure I could not define it.

  4. Weird. I left a comment yesterday but it has gone . . . poof!

    1. Jack, that's not the only thing that's disappeared....
