
Thursday 24 July 2014

Hirst Locks garden

The little garden that was planted by the Hirst Wood Regeneration Group a few years ago has matured nicely and has really improved the area beside Hirst Lock on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.  It's a pleasant 15 minute or so stroll from the centre of Saltaire along the towpath to the lock and the swing bridge - and there is often something to see there. Even if there are no boats, there are usually some ducks.  That makes it a popular destination for families, particularly at weekends, as it is not too far for little ones to walk. You often see kids on cycles too, as the towpath is good and flat.  I'm always glad when local folk take the trouble to make something nice to be enjoyed by others; the garden is attractive and quite well-maintained.

There used to be a small garden centre in that area too, but it is now derelict and becoming quite an eyesore.  Hopefully one day someone will come up with another imaginative use for that patch of land.


  1. That looks pretty, and peaceful. I enjoyed your rainy view of the train crossing the other day, by the way.

  2. You really have an ability to find all the pretty places and to document them in images and text.

  3. And just the right amount of shade for a hot sunny day

  4. That looks so beautiful, Jenny!

  5. Beautiful! And it reminds me I should get out and pull some weeds tomorrow so my own planing might look as nice.

  6. This is an idyllic little garden. People who beautify spaces that are enjoyed mainly by others are saintly, in my book.
