
Monday 1 September 2014

Dancing in the street

Well, dancing on the promenade in Roberts Park, anyway. You never know what you'll find in the park; there is usually something happening at weekends during the summer months. A couple of Sundays ago, I came across our local morris dance side, Rainbow Morris, sharing the afternoon with an Appalachian dance group.  There were lots of spectators enjoying the sunshine and Sir Titus Salt appeared to be enjoying the proceedings too.


  1. Excellent - must have been fun! Almost as good as messrs Jagger and Bowie? (Sounds like a law firm).

  2. With that beard Sir Titus would be a welcome addition to many morris sides.

  3. I would have LOVED this, jennyfreckles. I saw Morris dancing years ago in Broadway and stood watching it in fascination for more than an hour. Our mutual friend John [see above] has featured them many times on his blog.
