
Sunday, 16 November 2014


The church I attend has a Healing Prayer Team. They have recently asked the church photography group to supply some prayer cards that they can give to people after they have received prayer.  I have never done anything like this, but I thought I'd have a go. It seems there is a certain art in finding a photo that matches with the Bible verse. Some of the verses suggest a picture (straight paths, rainbows) but others, like this one, proved trickier. I've linked this to a blog called Spiritual Sundays where people can share pictures and scriptures, hymns or poems. It provides some inspirational reflections - and not just for Sundays.


  1. Hi Jenny - when my mother was in the Hospitals in London - the chaplains would leave prayer cards to say they'd been .. as she might have been asleep ... we often discussed them, and learnt about Julian of Norwich and Alcuin of York .. both unknown to us ... led to many a discussion.

    Your Prayer Group has a great idea ... and I love the Tagetes colour and words ... We were really helped by the prayer cards left ...

    So enjoy developing your ideas with your photography ... lovely project - cheers Hilary

  2. What a wonderful project. I think you picked a great picture for that verse, too.

  3. Wonderful project and such a blessing with the verses.

  4. Your photo does a great job illustrating that verse.
