
Monday 1 December 2014

All the fun of the fair

Off to Leeds to do a bit of Christmas shopping... and I found the city centre heaving with people. It was 'Black Friday weekend'... Seems to be something we've imported from the USA, only in the last year or two, but as a friend in the States commented: "If you're going to have sale rioting, at least have a giant roast dinner and pie and hang out with your family and friends first." Well, yes, that used to be called the Boxing Day sales.... Do we really need an extra bargain weekend?

The Christkindelmarkt was so packed with shoppers that it was difficult to see anything or even get near the stalls to buy. I had hoped to take lots of photos but in the end I got fed up with being jostled. In another year or two (if my family do achieve their ambition to move back north) I might have a grandchild old enough and willing to give me an excuse to ride the carousel.


  1. I've just heard on the news that some people go out on Black Friday, pick up bargains, then put them on E-Bay hoping to fund their Christmas! You don't need an excuse to go on a carousel, by the way.

  2. I agree with John Jenny, get on that carousel girl :) I absolutely hate sales, I'd rather wait and pay a few dollars more :)

  3. This picture gives a strong feeling of movement and explosion of colors !

  4. Lovely photo Jenny. I loved carousels when I was little. I agree about the sales.

  5. That's a fine-looking horse, Jenny!

  6. That's a beautiful photo of a carousel horse.

  7. Jennyfreckles, these horses are going in the wrong direction! At least, it would be the wrong direction in the USA. I knew you folks drive on the wrong side of the street but I had no idea that your carousel horses were also confused!

  8. The horse is beautiful ! This black Friday is crazy, fortunately we don't have that in Belgium (yet) but the stores are open on Sundays until Christmas, usuallly everything is closed on Sundays even in Brussels.
