
Wednesday 31 December 2014

On yer bike, 2014!

2014 - a good year for me, even if it had some very wobbly bits! This rather festive bike, parked outside a house in Saltaire, harks back to the Tour de France Grand Départ that happened in July (see my blog, here). That was such a fun weekend and I have not yet met anyone from around here that didn't think so. Apparently it also brought millions of pounds of revenue to Yorkshire and might well be 'the gift that keeps on giving' as tourist numbers are up significantly. The TV coverage certainly showed Yorkshire at its best, with all those soaring views of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. Some folk down south seem to think it's grim 'up north' and hopefully it went some way to opening their eyes to the truth.

Who knows what 2015 will bring, personally, nationally or globally? I hope that like me you can look back on 2014 giving thanks that, in the end, all turned out well. I wish you everything good for 2015 - a happy, healthy and fulfilling New Year.


  1. Hi Jenny - love the bike - brilliant to see - fun. The Tour was great to watch and I'm so pleased it's been such a success ... and yes your stunning scenery shone through at its best. There are dark satanic mills around to remind us of our past, yet which gave us brilliant stories bringing the scenery and landscape to life ... it is glorious and one day I certainly hope to spend some time visiting - one day!

    Have a very happy 2015 - without 2014's wobbles ... and a healthy and fulfilling year ahead ... cheers Hilary

  2. The bike looks great. And so was the le Tour

  3. Thanks, Jenny! I loved watching the tour go through areas I have visited.

  4. I am glad that so many good things happened in your life in 2014, jennyfreckles. 2015 has many happy surprises in store for you, I am sure. Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year to you too! I am thankful for your friendship, wishing you God's peace, joy and comfort in the year to come,
