
Thursday 18 December 2014


I came across one of those silly games the other day where, by taking the first letter of your name and the month of your birth and using a key, you could make up an 'elf' name for yourself (should you ever want to...)  I suppose with Christmas just round the corner, Santa might need some more elves. Anyway, I was mildly amused to discover that the given name for my newest granddaughter was Pixie Pickle-Pants. I thought that suited her quite well!

I had hoped to take some decent photos on my latest visit to London but life with two youngsters is so 'full-on' that I scarcely found an opportunity. You will see from this that at two months old she is growing fast; she's a wonderfully clear-eyed little baby and will lie for hours just calmly looking around her. She is also now able to respond with coos and gurgles when you talk to her. I never tire of those lovely baby conversations. It was a brief visit but enough to reassure me that life is settling down and getting back to something approaching 'normal' for them all. My daughter seems to have fully recovered, thank God. I found it shocking to read that sepsis is now the most common cause of maternal death in the UK and is increasing. But even so, it only affects a tiny fraction of women, so she was very unlucky.


  1. Perfect name for a perfect little one. If that name sticks though, she won't thank Grandma at all!

  2. Gosh I must have missed posts about your daughter's illness. I'm glad she is better. The baby is beautiful. I know exactly what you mean about it being full on with two little ones in the house.

  3. Hi Jenny - what a wonderful name .. quite delightful connection key .. she will love that later on in life! So pleased to read your daughter is better and has recovered sufficiently to be nearly back to normal - I sincerely hope you and they and the rest of the family have a very happy and peaceful Christmas (if that's remotely possible with tinies around) ... and a distinctly quieter 2015 .. with happiness - Cheers Hilary

  4. A very cute little pixie she is :)

  5. it is a funny coincidence that her game name is Pixie Pickle-Pants because Picklepants is the nickname of my son in law due to his last name being Pickvance. In fact my daughters blog address is team piclklepants

  6. You have there the most charming and cute little elf ! Glad to read your daughter is fine .
    It will be a wonderful Christmas for you all .

  7. She is so cute, love the name!

  8. There will come a time when she will be delighted to know that her name at two months old was Pixie Pickle Pants. Maybe not when she is 13, but some day . . .

  9. She is so sweet, Jenny! Glad everything is fine now!
