
Sunday 4 January 2015

Paying homage

Another of my resolutions is to take even more walks. It won't be too difficult as I already walk a fair bit. I walk to work every weekday for a start but I tend to be a fair-weather leisure walker. New Year's Day was mild, windy and threatening rain but I made the effort to go out for an hour or so. I took a route that is becoming my tradition for New Year (and many other times when I want an easy walk) along the canal and back along the riverbank. It felt like a good start to the new year, saying hello to my 'patch' and paying homage to this lovely area. It was dull, muddy underfoot and not a day for taking photos really, but I liked the swan posed in front of the church. I tried to get a close-up of the bird but it suddenly became camera-shy (as they always do when I'm around!) and buried its head under its wing, so that put paid to that idea. Never mind, I enjoyed the fresh air - and just got back home before the downpour.


  1. Gorgeous photo...and the swan is the crowning touch! A fun resolution...perfect for you!

  2. Good timing - on the swan and the rain!

  3. Lovely, jennyfreckles. Walking is one of the best kinds of exercise. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Got a pedometer? Or do you have an iPhone with an app that keeps track? They are good to nudge us toward the right amount of exercise.

  4. The swan adds a lovely touch. I wonder if it was a youngster as the adults are usually seen in pairs.

    1. Polly, the other adult and their two growing-up-fast offspring were nearby.

  5. Beautiful! The swan really draws the eye.
