
Sunday 18 January 2015

Two's company

I rescued these two cuties. They were upside down in a bin in Aldi, looking forlorn. Something about their sweet little faces appealed to me, so they have a new home here. Being from Aldi, they weren't expensive and in fact seem very well made. Just like my granddaughters, one is fair and one is dark-haired. I think my little girls will enjoy playing with them when they visit gran's. It gave me enormous pleasure to realise that I had an excuse to buy two!

I shop at Aldi every other supermarket trip. (Alternating with Asda). Aldi is markedly cheaper for most things but you can't always get everything there and it is a matter of luck sometimes whether they have what you want. On the other hand, if you keep your eyes open and are ready to deviate from your shopping list you can often get a really good deal on random items. I found a jar of cherries in syrup recently that were absolutely over-the-moon delicious. The trouble is, I haven't seen them since. Perhaps as well... they had such sweet syrup it no doubt cancelled any health benefits from the fruit!


  1. In a bin upside down - who could be so heartless?

  2. That's just cruel. Glad to see you rescued them.

  3. So perfect for you to get...I love it when that happens!

    We have Aldis here....I haven't been in a while!

  4. They do look kind of cute -"Buy me" eyes. Shopping is such a challenge these days...

  5. What a treat for your grand daughters!

  6. How adorable! I love their eyes.

  7. My husband shops Aldi, but not being much of an enthusiastic cook to begin with, I find it a little uninspiring! But yes, much cheaper! Those little dolls would have jumped into my basket too! isn't it fun to be a grandmother!

  8. That is the sort of thing I would do, rescue soft toys from a super market bin. I can see why you couldn't resist them and you have two good excuses. I feel the same about Aldi cheap but never the same.

  9. I am not an expert on dolls, but these do look cute. Your granddaughters will have fun with them.
