
Thursday 26 February 2015


I'm running out of decent photos... I haven't had an outing with my camera for weeks, owing to a combination of bad weather at weekends and being busy with some 'home improvements'. I have had the sliding doors replaced on the wardrobes in my bedroom. The old (very old) ones no longer slid but had to be lifted and coaxed. Now I have smart new ones that swish along at the flick of a finger. I have spent some happy time 'swishing'!

It meant, of course, the moment was opportune to do some clearing out too. I discovered a hitherto unconscious need to squirrel away empty shoe boxes; I must have a dozen of them! I blame my dad for setting me the example of hoarding things that 'might come in useful one day'. Mind you, he lived through the war, when maybe that was more of a virtue than a vice.

I noticed all these plastic trays piled up on the local allotments. I felt sure there was a picture to be had - but I'm not sure I quite found it. I wonder if the allotment holder lived through the war too....


  1. So were my parents .Keeping all sorts of things . Hard when you have to clean their house ..

  2. Come on! The day you run out of decent photos will be the day the Aire dries up

  3. Hi Jenny, I'm a shoe box hoarder too! I've used them to put stray Christmas decorations in, for receipts and for posting shoes that I have sold on ebay, but I do think they need to be culled now. Enjoy "swishing" :-)

  4. I also have a stack of empty shoe boxes that "might come in handy one day" and I have used some of them. It's hard to throw them away!

  5. those are usually used to pack and deliver bread in here, especially with supermarkets, they sit out the back of the stores waiting to be picked up again and reused.

  6. You made me laugh. I hope you are enjoying your swishing. And I see a massive home clean-up when I get back to Connecticut for the summer.

  7. I love this picture -- and would be tempted by those boxes... thank goodness they're an ocean away.
