
Monday 16 February 2015

Leeds Arena

One of the significant newer buildings in Leeds, the Leeds Arena (actually now called the 'first direct Arena'.... like all these places it has to be sponsored), has been open for about 18 months now. It has a 13000 seater auditorium, built in a fan-shape so that all the seats face the stage and the acoustics are superb. It is designed to host major live music and sport events, comedy and entertainment shows. Already it has played host to Bruce Springsteen, Elton John and a number of other famous names, as well as staging the opening ceremony for the Tour de France last year and the BBC's 'Sports Personality of the Year 2014'. Notable shows this year will include Queen + Adam Lambert, Fleetwood Mac, Farrell Williams and Lionel Richie.

It's tucked away just at the back of the city centre in Leeds, a comfortable walk from all the main shops, restaurants, bars and the rail station so it's easy to get to. I can't see me ever setting foot inside though. Big live shows are not my thing these days (not good for deaf people who wear hearing aids) but I thought I'd have a quick look at the outside. It doesn't strike me as the most exciting building architecturally. Actually it reminds me of an intricately pleated pillbox hat my mum once wore to a wedding in the 1960s!

By the way, I just noticed that this is my 1900th blog post. (Those round numbers are always so satisfying.) Little did I think when I started that blogging would become such an absorbing hobby, nor did I dream I would make so many friends through it. Many thanks to everyone who has dropped in, and especially to all those who have left comments and been so encouraging.


  1. It looks very nice but as you say a pillbox look. I'm with you in not enjoying those kind of shows. Congrats on so many blogs. It has been fun following your blog and learning all about Saltaire and your interests not forgetting your great photography.

  2. Congratulations on 1900 posts Jenny. They are always interesting and your photography is wonderful.
    Jacquie x

  3. Congrats on your 1900th post - I am sure I wouldn't have visited Saltaire if it wasn't for your blog and I'm so glad that I did!

  4. Your blog is my little breath of English air ! Happy 1900th postanniversary !

  5. I often don't like modern architecture, since I am sometimes a cranky old man, but I rather like the design of this one. If the acoustics and sight lines are good, then I am all for it.

    Congratulations on your 1900th post. I am 85 behind you and won't ever catch up.

  6. ha ha yes the resemblance is amusing. Congrats on your 1900th post, not many to go to your 2000!
