
Friday 20 February 2015


Another glimpse of the 'ordinary'....
Nisa could be an acronym for 'Not in Saltaire Actually' - though it is very close! Just across Saltaire Road from 'Bargain Booze' this is a mini-supermarket, selling a wide variety of groceries, drinks, newspapers and seasonal lines - bedding plants in summer, Christmas decorations, fireworks. You can buy a lottery ticket here, get some cash from the ATM (at a price); even, I discovered recently, get parcels delivered here to collect. That's wonderful, as it saves having to wait at home for the delivery or trek into Bradford to collect it from the depot. It's open from 6.30am to 10pm every day - and that includes Christmas Day too! It really lives up to its name as a 'convenience store' and I'm lucky because it is quite close to my home. It has saved the day several times - like when I was baking and opened a tin of golden syrup, only to find it had solidified rather nastily. Does Nisa sell golden syrup - yes they do! Hooray!


  1. We're really lucky we have a village shop - would be lost without it.

  2. The convenience store can be a lifesaver whatever it looks like hey Jenny :)

  3. We all need that kind of place, Jenny!

  4. This store really ticks all the boxes. We have a small Tescos near us and it doesn't offer all those services. Lucky you!
