
Tuesday 31 March 2015

That view again

You know, that view that I pass every morning on my way to work and that I often stop to photograph. It was looking interesting, with dark storm clouds over Salts Mill and bright sunshine in the foreground. Some of the geese have taken to sleeping in the loading bay of the old British Waterways brick building, just under that big canopy. It must be a bit warmer and sheltered from the wind. For more views of 'that view', click the 'that view' label, below!


  1. What a lovely view to pass by each day .... I can understand why you never tire of it.

  2. I love it when the sky looks like that...sun on one end and dark clouds on the other!

  3. Rather reminds of the town where I live (in Sweden) - lots of old factories along the river.

  4. Such a lovely view, Jenny!

  5. It is lovely light. No photographer could pass by without clicking a shutter when a view like that and light like that coincide.
