
Saturday, 28 March 2015

The Arrival of Spring

Whether the weather is playing ball or not, Spring has arrived in Salts Mill. That is to say, the latest exhibition by David Hockney: 33 pictures that are part of the series 'The Arrival of Spring'. The pictures were drawn on an iPad and then printed out five feet high. They depict an area of the Yorkshire Wolds - Woldgate Lane - and were each made on a specific day between May 1st and May 31st 2011, during a time when Hockney was living in his old family home in Bridlington.

I saw them at the exhibition at the Royal Academy a couple of years ago and was captivated then. They look even more stunning in the setting of Salts Mill, where - minus the huge crowds - you can see and enjoy them in a much more relaxed fashion.  The Mill has tight links with Hockney (he is a Bradford-born Yorkshireman after all) borne out of his friendship with the late Jonathan Silver, who resurrected Salts Mill as we know it today.  I am delighted to hear that the Silver family have actually bought these pieces to add to the permanent collection housed in the Mill - so it sounds as if I will be able to enjoy them as often as I like. They are full of life and glow with colour; I find them incredibly uplifting. It moves me that, well into his 70s, Hockney still sees life so vibrantly in full technicolour. There was an excellent documentary recently on TV about him, directed by Randall Wright.

One more good reason to visit Saltaire....


  1. I do love Hockney's nature type paintings. I will have to look these up on the web because i doubt I will be travelng to the UK any time soon. I discovered Hockney by accident when I first met his brother who lived not a hundred yards from my home on Flamborough Head and of course I went school in Bridlington. The brother Hockney no longer lives on the Head but we met him and his wife, Jean numerous times, ate Sunday dinners with them and attended church with them. Really delightful people. We still keep in touch. So I'm off to fdind David's paintings....

  2. Hi Jenny - how fabulous ... and as you say such a draw to visit Saltaire. I didn't get up to the RA exhibition .. but would have loved to have gone - and now you've highlighted the documentary ... I'd like to watch that again ...

    Wonderful to see .. thanks so much - have a happy weekend and Easter - cheers Hilary

  3. Colors are vibrabt and fresh , views are joyful .I like that kind of art !

  4. At least it arrived in an exhibition ! Outside there is no arrival here !

  5. Drawn on an iPad....amazing! How beautiful. They really make a statement all displayed together like that! Lovely!

  6. I do like his paintings, looks like a nice venue. No arrival of spring here, couldn't stay out very long today:-(

  7. The mill is worth a trip to Saltaire and added to the town, it is a must visit if you are anywhere nearby.

  8. David Hockney is a favorite of mine too...these are wonderful. And I thought I was clever sending a text on my ipad. I would love these in my home...or a baby nursery. Love the bright colors.

  9. Clever of you to station that man there to add a point of interest to the scene.
