
Wednesday 29 April 2015

A week...

Exactly (and only) a week between these two photos.... What a difference a week makes!

Suddenly spring is here and the whole world is bursting forth in new, sharp colours. There's blossom everywhere, ducklings and goslings on the waterways, even bluebells in the woods.

It seemed to go from winter to spring in days. The sun is higher and much stronger and begins to hold some warmth in the sheltered spots some days. Then other days it feels like winter again. We had frost, rain and even some snow momentarily yesterday! Typically changeable April.

I love spring and yet I wish nature would unfold her pretty blossoms a little slower so that I could really savour it....


  1. That is a big difference. Same situation in Haninge everything have turned green this week.

  2. I agree Jenny, April is an unpredictable month everywhere. Within a few weeks it's beginning to get lighter in the mornings a fair bit later these days, winter is on the way :)

  3. We have the same thing here where we often go right from winter to summer with a very short spring and the spring flowers are gone so quickly!

  4. Boom! It is spring. Beautiful.
