
Sunday 19 April 2015

Spring comes to Saltaire

A few sunny days have seen the apple blossom bursting into bloom and a definite feel of Spring in the air. Though I am still finding it quite cold and have not yet shed my padded jacket, others apparently disagree. There were many folk enjoying the sunshine in Roberts Park, clad only in shorts and T shirts.

Salts Mill chimney has developed a strange, white, powdery look to its stonework after a longish spell of dry weather. It must have to do with the type of pointing they used when the chimney was repaired a few years ago. I don't think it has really improved its looks. Though it's quite probable that a bit of repointing wouldn't improve my looks either, at this stage...


  1. An iconic view of Saltaire !

  2. It is looking lovely there.

  3. Love the repointing reference. I think I'll use that. :)

  4. Hah! Your repointing observation distracted me from the photograph. I have seen recent photographs of you on this blog. You look wonderful and don't need any repointing at all. Got that?
